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Espoo Climate Watch
Land use and construction
Circular economy and sustainable choices
Climate change adaptation
Climate collaboration and communication
Carbon neutral Espoo
Espoo's climate goal
Emissions per sector
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133 actions
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We heat Espoon Asunnot properties with carbon-neutral district heat
Implementation (On schedule)
We utilise waste heat efficiently
Implementation (On schedule)
We heat all city-owned properties with renewable district heat
Implementation (On schedule)
We replace fossil energy sources in district heat production
Implementation (On schedule)
We use emission-free electricity for city-owned properties
Implementation (Late)
We give up fossil fuels as a form of heating city-owned properties
Planning (On schedule)
We use locally produced energy in the construction of new city-owned buildings
We use carbon-neutral electricity in Espoon Asunnot properties
We innovate new solutions for positive energy districts as part of an European-level collaboration project SPARCS
Implementation (On schedule)
We develop Espoo’s electrical grid through strategic cooperation
Implementation (On schedule)
We use zoning to steer operations towards energy efficiency and renewable energy
Implementation (On schedule)
We optimise the heating of city-owned properties
Implementation (Late)
We improve the energy efficiency of Espoon Asunnot properties in the context of renovations
Implementation (On schedule)
We install water-saving fixtures in Espoon Asunnot properties
Implementation (On schedule)
We use space more efficiently
Implementation (On schedule)
We utilise energy manager and property control room services
Implementation (Late)
We switch to using LED bulbs for lighting
We organise energy expert training for Espoon Asunnot residents
Implementation (On schedule)
Solutions for low-carbon development of suburbs from neighborhood cooperation of housing companies (TYKKI)
Planning (On schedule)
We design the Espoo–Salo direct line as part of the one-hour train link to Turku
We deploy the Jokeri Light Rail line
We construct the West Metro extension
Implementation (On schedule)
We construct the Espoo City Rail Link between Leppävaara and Kauklahti
Planning (On schedule)
We improve the conditions for walking
Planning (On schedule)
We improve the preconditions for cycling
Implementation (On schedule)
We communicate about sustainable traffic and the climate impacts of mobility
Planning (On schedule)
We plan long-term public transport corridors
Planning (On schedule)
We develop park-and-ride facilities and services
Draft (On schedule)
We develop new sustainable transport services
Planning (On schedule)
We ensure the smooth flow of public transport
Implementation (On schedule)
We increase the number of electric buses in Espoo
Implementation (On schedule)
We develop the charging infrastructure for EVs in Espoo
Implementation (On schedule)
We develop charging opportunities for EVs in Espoon Asunnot properties
Planning (On schedule)
We develop charging solutions for commercial traffic (ZEMhub)
Planning (On schedule)
We increase the efficiency of parking
Planning (On schedule)
We develop the distribution infrastructure for renewable fuel
Implementation (On schedule)
We promote the use of EVs through residents and housing companies
Planning (On schedule)
We increase the efficiency of goods transport
Implementation (On schedule)
Vähennämme liikenteen päästöjä lisäämällä etätyötä sekä palveluita
Implementation (On schedule)
Edistämme kestävää työmatkaliikennettä
Implementation (On schedule)
Kehitämme kaupunkipyöräjärjestelmää
Planning (On schedule)
Työsuhdepyöräetu otetaan käyttöön kaupungin työntekijöille
Land use and construction
Implementation (On schedule)
We secure the sufficiency and availability of recreational areas and services
Implementation (On schedule)
We unify the urban structure through infill development
Implementation (On schedule)
We shape Kiviruukki into a diverse area for housing and jobs
Implementation (On schedule)
We plan new areas based on the principles of sustainable development
Implementation (On schedule)
We develop a clean and smart Kera district
Planning (On schedule)
We assess the carbon sink impacts in planning significant new construction areas
Implementation (On schedule)
We utilise emission calculation in zoning and regional construction
Implementation (On schedule)
We use zoning to steer the positioning of jobs
Planning (On schedule)
We prepare for changes in the operating environment of trade and industry
Implementation (On schedule)
We develop centres to be dense, comfortable and functionally diverse
Planning (On schedule)
We prepare a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for Espoo
Implementation (On schedule)
We focus zoning and construction work along good public transport links
Implementation (On schedule)
We develop emission calculation as part of assessing the impact and costs of infrastructure construction
Implementation (On schedule)
We promote the circular economy of infrastructure construction through more sustainable procurement criteria for materia…
Implementation (On schedule)
We tender out infrastructure contracts according to the Green Deal for zero-emission construction sites
Implementation (On schedule)
We promote low-carbon construction in zoning
Implementation (On schedule)
We utilise large impermeable surfaces in a diverse manner
Planning (On schedule)
We design all new Espoon Asunnot properties for energy class A
Implementation (On schedule)
We construct new buildings in an energy efficient manner
Implementation (On schedule)
Rakennamme ja korjaamme kestävästi, vähähiilisesti ja kiertotalouden periaatteet huomioiden
Implementation (On schedule)
Suunnittelemme rakennuksista vähähiilisiä monitavoiteoptimoinnin avulla
Implementation (On schedule)
Rakennamme puusta
Implementation (On schedule)
Kehitämme innovatiivisia kannusteita ja sitoumuksia kestävyyden edistämiseen lakisääteisten maankäytön ohjauskeinojen ri…
Circular economy and sustainable choices
Implementation (On schedule)
We are committed to the systematic development of the circular economy (Circular Cities Declaration)
Planning (On schedule)
We promote the national Green Deal for supporting the circular economy
We chart the circular economy and sharing economy companies operating in Espoo
Planning (On schedule)
We develop the circulation of construction and demolition materials and organic waste
We prepare a circular economy survey on demolition materials in the Kera area
Implementation (On schedule)
We reduce food wastage in meal services
Implementation (On schedule)
We favour environmentally friendly food that adheres to nutritional guidelines in meal services
Implementation (On schedule)
We include children and young people in the development of more climate-friendly food
We reduce the number of deliveries by means of shelving services
Implementation (On schedule)
We promote low-carbon procurement practices that adhere to the principles of the circular economy
Implementation (On schedule)
Kehitämme muovin kiertoa
Implementation (On schedule)
Edistämme muovin kiertotaloutta ja vähennämme siitä aiheutuvia ympäristöhaittoja julkisissa hankinnoissa
Implementation (On schedule)
Punaisen lihan määrää reseptiikassa ja ruokalistoilla vähennetään korvaamalla sitä kasviproteiinilla ravitsemussuosituks…
Implementation (On schedule)
Kasvisruoka sijoitetaan kouluissa ensimmäiseksi ateriavaihtoehdoksi linjastoissa ja ruokalistoilla.
Implementation (On schedule)
Edistämme valtakunnallista kestävän purkamisen green deal sopimusta
Planning (On schedule)
Vähennämme kuljetuslogistiikan päästöjä toistuvissa tarvikehankinnoissa
Implementation (On schedule)
Vähennämme paperin käyttöä ja postittamista siirtymällä sähköiseen laskutukseen ja tilaamiseen
Implementation (On schedule)
Vahvistamme hankintojen valmistelijoiden vähähiilisyysosaamista
Implementation (On schedule)
We recycle and restore furniture
Implementation (On schedule)
Kasvatamme kasvisruoan menekkiä kaupungin ateriapalveluissa
Climate change adaptation
Planning (On schedule)
We provide urban centres with runoff route analyses
Implementation (On schedule)
We consider the risks caused by climate change in city procurements
We add runoff flood risk areas to the city’s internal map service
We propose runoff management goals and principles for the southern parts of Espoo
Implementation (On schedule)
We do not assign construction to areas that may be flooded
Implementation (On schedule)
We promote the achievement of the goals set by the runoff management principles
Not started (On schedule)
We update the City of Espoo’s flood guidelines
Not started (On schedule)
We analyse the impact of climate risks on traffic
Planning (On schedule)
We use inspections to determine the preparedness of households for power outages, for example
We determine the flood risks of waste and recycling points in harbour areas
We check the preparedness analyses of functions in flood hazard areas
Implementation (On schedule)
We exercise discretion when building walkways above and below the flood stage
Planning (On schedule)
We collect a register on completed green roof structures
Not started (On schedule)
We prepare a plan for identifying forest management challenges and preparing for them
Implementation (On schedule)
We take care of the forest areas next to them before handing over plots of land
Planning (On schedule)
We contribute to integrating adaptation into HSY’s Climate Info service
Not started (On schedule)
We add the risk classification of Espoo’s waste water pumping station to the city’s internal map service
We add temporary snow storage sites to the city’s internal map service
Implementation (On schedule)
We conduct a water management survey in the Pitkäjärvi catchment area
Planning (On schedule)
We dismantle the regulation of Lake Bodom and Lake Matalajärvi
Planning (On schedule)
We prepare a cooperation plan and carry out emergency drills
Implementation (On schedule)
We considering the strength of the heat island effect when preparing town plans
Implementation (On schedule)
We use trees that provide shade in the planning of park areas
Not started (On schedule)
We train the health centre and care staff at the beginning of every warm season
Not started (On schedule)
We collect information on illnesses and medications that sensitise people to the effects of heat
Not started (Cancelled)
We create a heatwave warning system that reaches all Espoo residents
Planning (On schedule)
We increase information on adaptation measures in city communications
Not started (Cancelled)
We produce an episode on climate change adaptation for the Safe Espoo podcast series
Implementation (On schedule)
We analyse the possibilities of restoring habitats
Implementation (On schedule)
We protect the most important areas and wildlife corridors outside nature reserves
Implementation (On schedule)
We protect the nature reserves proposed through the LuonTo efforts
We determine the processing methods for invasive plant waste
Implementation (On schedule)
We promote the deployment of the green factor tool
Implementation (On schedule)
We explore the principles and possible practices of ecological compensation in Espoo
Draft (On schedule)
We add areas allocated to the prevention of invasive species to the city’s internal map service
We carry out a nature value review of the Kera area
Implementation (On schedule)
Ohjaamme asuinkerrostalohankkeita kesäajan ylilämmön hallintaan varautumisessa
Climate collaboration and communication
Implementation (On schedule)
We promote sustainable mobility among children and young people
Implementation (On schedule)
We promote sustainable consumption and circular economy thinking with children and young people
Implementation (On schedule)
We promote sustainable international cooperation
Implementation (On schedule)
We increase companies’ expertise in the green transition
Implementation (On schedule)
We advise residents on making climate-smart choices
Implementation (On schedule)
We assess the carbon sink situation in Espoo and explore possibilities for emission compensation
Implementation (On schedule)
We comply with event sustainability guidelines
Implementation (On schedule)
We emphasise sustainability in our partnership criteria and cooperation
Implementation (On schedule)
We report on Espoo’s climate work
Implementation (On schedule)
We reduce the regional carbon footprint of tourism
Implementation (On schedule)
We offer eco-support training to City of Espoo staff